Framework for Brainstorming Post

Throughout my brainstorming process I correlated certain thoughts, being attention diversion, choices, multitasking, and attention deficit disorder (ADD), with the two authors, Richard Restak and Sam Anderson. Richard Restak is the author of “Attention Deficit: The Brain Syndrome of Our Era” and Sam Anderson wrote “In Defense of Distraction”. During my readings of these two pieces, I did notice my mind wandering as well as a couple similar relations to Thomas King’s Ted talk “Adults We need To Have The Talk”, and Robin Marantz Henig’s writing “What Is It About 20-Somethings?” I basically took my thoughts that I felt were rather important and correlated them with the relating  ideas of Richard Restak and Sam Anderson. From there I set up a table to easily see the information between the correlation of the two authors. Both authors had very good points that were in relation to each other, but they also had many good ideas and thoughts that did not directly relate.